
Unveil the transformative power of experiential learning through active participation and hands-on engagement

Build Your Skills With EasyCoda

Unveil the transformative power of experiential learning through active participation and hands-on engagement

Interactive Lab Environment

Fast Environment Provisioning

We use the latest virtualization technology to provision new lab environment less than 20s.

Learn By Doing

Learning skills in interactive way, run command by one click or manually input.

Easy Debug & Trouble-Shooting

Access your lab environment in web terminal with unlimit tab, easy for debuging and troubleshooting.

Cloud IDE

Intergrated VSCode Environment

Each environment provides an intergrated vscode ide, you can write code, debug code, or share real-time coding with your team members, students, or everyone.

Speed Up Productivity

Save yourself the hassle of lengthy software installations and updates, as well as the headache of troubleshooting local machines. With Cloud IDE, plugins and software versions are seamlessly updated in the background, ensuring you enjoy a hassle-free and effortless experience.

Keep it safe

Ensure the safety and security of your machine and network with ease. No longer worry about granting system or admin privileges to developers on both company and personal hardware.

Show your work

Application Expose

You can expose your application in your lab environment on internet easily,and access your application through public domain, best way to show your work to everyone.

Show your work in context

Unlock the full potential of EasyCoda by immersing yourself in dynamic, real-world environments tailored to mirror your unique technology setup

Best for product POC

As prospects delve deeper into understanding your software, its value becomes increasingly apparent. With EasyCoda, you have the power to captivate and demonstrate the worth of your software through engaging interactive labs.

Multi-Environment orchestration

Multiple virtual machine environments

Creating multiple virtual machine setups simultaneously to meet the needs of complex software deployments and learning environments. Examples include the requirements for deploying a multi-node Kubernetes cluster and an OpenStack environment.

Multiple Environment Terminal

In the case of multiple virtual machine environments, provide terminal access for each machine. Additionally, allow multiple terminal connection requests to be initiated for each machine.

Application Expose & IDE

Application expose and cloud IDE also support multiple virtual machine environments. You can create application domain names for each environment’s applications to enable public access.

Persistasnt Storage

Backup Your Workspace

Create your working environment in a persistent storage pool for seamless efficiency. With environments stored in the persistent pool, you can take snapshots to permanently save your progress. When you return, simply restore your work directly from the snapshot, picking up exactly where you left off.



Introducing CodaGPT, your ultimate companion for completing tasks in Linux environments. Harness the power of AI to effortlessly write code, perform tasks, and troubleshoot issues with precision and ease.

CodaGPT Generate Coda And Run

Some use cases

Best choice for

Learning & Training

Level up the skills of customers, partners, and team members to unlock growth.

Demos & POCs

Work smarter, not harder, and improve your team’s efficiency with immersive, hands-on demos and POCs.


Create engaging live and virtual sessions that transform users into champions.


Chooese the best plan that works for you


$ 0 .00

Free Forever

  • 1 active environment at a time
  • 40 minutes of an active environment
  • small quota of an environment
  • Free environment resource pool
  • 2 hours of daily total environment lifetime
  • 20 CodaGPT conversations per day
  • 1 workspace snapshot


$ 20 .00


  • 3 active environments at a time
  • 4 hours of an active environment
  • Larger quota of an environment
  • Priority environment resource pool
  • No daily total environment lifetime Limit
  • 200 CodaGPT conversations per day
  • 3 workspace snapshots


$ 30 .00


  • 5 active environments at a time
  • 3 Days of an active environment
  • Larger quota of an environment
  • Priority environment resource pool
  • No daily total environment lifetime Limit
  • 500 CodaGPT conversations per day
  • 5 workspace snapshots


Let’s Talk


  • Unlimited active environments
  • Long time exists of environment
  • Larger quota of an environment
  • Priority environment resource pool
  • No daily total environment lifetime Limit
  • Custom CodaGPT Conversations
  • Custom workspace snapshots

Build Your Skills With EasyCoda

Unveil the transformative power of experiential learning through active participation and hands-on engagement